Cited By
View all- Jimenez FKoepke AGregg MFrey M(2021)Generative Adversarial Network Performance in Low-Dimensional SettingsJournal of Research of the National Institute of Standards and Technology10.6028/jres.126.008126Online publication date: 2021
Proposed a super resolution method with higher reconstruction accuracy than before.Cast super resolution as a problem of estimating sparse wavelet detail coefficients.Estimated sparse wavelet coefficients using a convolutional neural network (CNN)...
Recently, deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have achieved excellent results in single image super resolution (SISR). Owing to the strength of deep CNNs, it gives promising results compared to state-of-the-art learning based models on ...
We describe a deep learning convolutional neural network (CNN) for enhancing low resolution multispectral satellite imagery without the use of a panchromatic image. For training, low resolution images are used as input and corresponding high resolution ...
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