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mQRCode: Secure QR Code Using Nonlinearity of Spatial Frequency in Light

Published: 11 October 2019 Publication History


Quick response (QR) codes are becoming pervasive due to their rapid readability and the popularity of smartphones with built-in cameras. QR codes are also gaining importance in the retail sector as a convenient mobile payment method. However, researchers have concerns regarding the security of QR codes, which leave users susceptible to financial loss or private information leakage. In this study, we addressed this issue by developing a novel QR code (called mQRCode), which exploits patterns presenting a specific spatial frequency as a form of camouflage. When the targeted receiver holds a camera in a designated position (e.g., directly in front at a distance of 30 cm from the camouflaged QR code), the original QR code is revealed in form of a Moire pattern. From any other position, only the camouflaged QR code can be seen. In experiments, the decryption rate of mQRCode was > 98.6% within 10.2 frames via a multi-frame decryption method. The decryption rate for cameras positioned 20° off axis or > 10cm away from the designated location dropped to 0%, indicating that mQRCode is robust against attacks.


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MobiCom '19: The 25th Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking
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Published: 11 October 2019


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  1. nonlinearity
  2. screen-camera communication
  3. secure qr code


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