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GrandSLAm: Guaranteeing SLAs for Jobs in Microservices Execution Frameworks

Published: 25 March 2019 Publication History


The microservice architecture has dramatically reduced user effort in adopting and maintaining servers by providing a catalog of functions as services that can be used as building blocks to construct applications. This has enabled datacenter operators to look at managing datacenter hosting microservices quite differently from traditional infrastructures. Such a paradigm shift calls for a need to rethink resource management strategies employed in such execution environments. We observe that the visibility enabled by a microservices execution framework can be exploited to achieve high throughput and resource utilization while still meeting Service Level Agreements, especially in multi-tenant execution scenarios.
In this study, we present GrandSLAm, a microservice execution framework that improves utilization of datacenters hosting microservices. GrandSLAm estimates time of completion of requests propagating through individual microservice stages within an application. It then leverages this estimate to drive a runtime system that dynamically batches and reorders requests at each microservice in a manner where individual jobs meet their respective target latency while achieving high throughput. GrandSLAm significantly increases throughput by up to 3x compared to the our baseline, without violating SLAs for a wide range of real-world AI and ML applications.


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