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FeatherNet: An Accelerated Convolutional Neural Network Design for Resource-constrained FPGAs

Published: 28 March 2019 Publication History


Convolutional Neural Network (ConvNet or CNN) algorithms are characterized by a large number of model parameters and high computational complexity. These two requirements have made it challenging for implementations on resource-limited FPGAs. The challenges are magnified when considering designs for low-end FPGAs. While previous work has demonstrated successful ConvNet implementations with high-end FPGAs, this article presents a ConvNet accelerator design that enables the implementation of complex deep ConvNet architectures on resource-constrained FPGA platforms aimed at the IoT market. We call the design “FeatherNet” for its light resource utilization. The implementations are VHDL-based providing flexibility in design optimizations. As part of the design process, new methods are introduced to address several design challenges. The first method is a novel stride-aware graph-based method targeted at ConvNets that aims at achieving efficient signal processing with reduced resource utilization. The second method addresses the challenge of determining the minimal precision arithmetic needed while preserving high accuracy. For this challenge, we propose variable-width dynamic fixed-point representations combined with a layer-by-layer design-space pruning heuristic across the different layers of the deep ConvNet model. The third method aims at achieving a modular design that can support different types of ConvNet layers while ensuring low resource utilization. For this challenge, we propose the modules to be relatively small and composed of computational filters that can be interconnected to build an entire accelerator design. These model elements can be easily configured through HDL parameters (e.g., layer type, mask size, stride, etc.) to meet the needs of specific ConvNet implementations and thus they can be reused to implement a wide variety of ConvNet architectures. The fourth method addresses the challenge of design portability between two different FPGA vendor platforms, namely, Intel/Altera and Xilinx. For this challenge, we propose to instantiate the device-specific hardware blocks needed in each computational filter, rather than relying on the synthesis tools to infer these blocks, while keeping track of the similarities and differences between the two platforms. We believe that the solutions to these design challenges further advance knowledge as they can benefit designers and other researchers using similar devices or facing similar challenges. Our results demonstrated the success of addressing the design challenges and achieving low (30%) resource utilization for the low-end FPGA platforms: Zedboard and Cyclone V. The design overcame the limitation of designs targeted for high-end platforms and that cannot fit on low-end IoT platforms. Furthermore, our design showed superior performance results (measured in terms of [Frame/s/W] per Dollar) compared to high-end optimized designs.


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cover image ACM Transactions on Reconfigurable Technology and Systems
ACM Transactions on Reconfigurable Technology and Systems  Volume 12, Issue 2
June 2019
117 pages
  • Editor:
  • Deming Chen
Issue’s Table of Contents
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 28 March 2019
Accepted: 01 January 2019
Revised: 01 November 2018
Received: 01 November 2017
Published in TRETS Volume 12, Issue 2


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  1. Convolutional neural networks
  2. IoT applications
  3. embedded-vision
  4. resource-constrained FPGAs


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