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View all- Deng KSun CGong WLiu YYang H(2022)A Limited-View CT Reconstruction Framework Based on Hybrid Domains and Spatial CorrelationSensors10.3390/s2204144622:4(1446)Online publication date: 13-Feb-2022
In some computed tomography (CT) practical applications, the projection data is incomplete, which makes some limited-angle artifacts presented in the reconstructed image. Total variation (TV) regularization method is used to suppress the ...
Limited-angle reconstruction is a very important but challenging problem in the field of computed tomography (CT) and it has been extensively studied for many years. However, some difficulties still remain. Based on the theory of visible and invisible ...
It is a challenging task to reconstruct images from compressed sensing measurement due to its implicit ill-posed property. In this paper, we propose an image reconstruction algorithm for compressed sensing image application based on the adaptive ...
Association for Computing Machinery
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