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Externalities and Fairness

Published: 13 May 2019 Publication History


One of the important yet insufficiently studied subjects in fair allocation is the externality effect among agents. For a resource allocation problem, externalities imply that the share allocated to an agent may affect the utilities of other agents.
In this paper, we conduct a study of fair allocation of indivisible goods when the externalities are not negligible. Inspired by the models in the context of network diffusion, we present a simple and natural model, namely network externalities, to capture the externalities. To evaluate fairness in the network externalities model, we generalize the idea behind the notion of maximin-share () to achieve a new criterion, namely, extended-maximin-share (). Next, we consider two problems concerning our model.
First, we discuss the computational aspects of finding the value of for every agent. For this, we introduce a generalized form of partitioning problem that includes many famous partitioning problems such as maximin, minimax, and leximin. We further show that a 1/2-approximation algorithm exists for this partitioning problem.
Next, we investigate on finding approximately optimal allocations, i.e., allocations that guarantee each agent a utility of at least a fraction of his extended-maximin-share. We show that under a natural assumption that the agents are a-self-reliant, an a/2- allocation always exists. The combination of this with the former result yields a polynomial-time a/4- allocation algorithm.


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Cited By

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  • (2022)Fair Allocation with Special ExternalitiesPRICAI 2022: Trends in Artificial Intelligence10.1007/978-3-031-20862-1_1(3-16)Online publication date: 10-Nov-2022
  • (2021)Fair Allocation of Indivisible GoodsMathematics of Operations Research10.1287/moor.2020.109646:3(1038-1053)Online publication date: 1-Aug-2021



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Published: 13 May 2019


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  1. Fairness
  2. approximation
  3. externalities
  4. maximin-share
  5. networks


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  • (2022)Fair Allocation with Special ExternalitiesPRICAI 2022: Trends in Artificial Intelligence10.1007/978-3-031-20862-1_1(3-16)Online publication date: 10-Nov-2022
  • (2021)Fair Allocation of Indivisible GoodsMathematics of Operations Research10.1287/moor.2020.109646:3(1038-1053)Online publication date: 1-Aug-2021

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