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To Return or to Explore: Modelling Human Mobility and Dynamics in Cyberspace

Published: 13 May 2019 Publication History


With the wide adoption of multi-community structure in many popular online platforms, human mobility across online communities has drawn increasing attention from both academia and industry. In this work, we study the statistical patterns that characterize human movements in cyberspace. Inspired by previous work on human mobility in physical space, we decompose human online activities into return and exploration - two complementary types of movements. We then study how people perform these two movements, respectively. We first propose a preferential return model that uncovers the preferential properties of people returning to multiple online communities. Interestingly, this model echos the previous findings on human mobility in physical space. We then present a preferential exploration model that characterizes exploration movements from a novel online community-group perspective. Our experiments quantitatively reveal the patterns of people exploring new communities, which share striking similarities with online return movements in terms of underlying principles. By combining the mechanisms of both return and exploration together, we are able to obtain an overall model that characterizes human mobility patterns in cyberspace at the individual level. We further investigate human online activities using our models, and discover valuable insights on the mobility patterns across online communities. Our models explain the empirically observed human online movement trajectories remarkably well, and more importantly, sheds better light on the understanding of human cyberspace dynamics.


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Published: 13 May 2019


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  1. Cyberspace
  2. Human Dynamics
  3. Human Mobility
  4. Online Communities
  5. Preferential Exploration
  6. Preferential Return


  • Research-article
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WWW '19
WWW '19: The Web Conference
May 13 - 17, 2019
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