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Exploiting Diversity in Android TLS Implementations for Mobile App Traffic Classification

Published: 13 May 2019 Publication History


Network traffic classification is an important tool for network administrators in enabling monitoring and service provisioning. Traditional techniques employed in classifying traffic do not work well for mobile app traffic due to lack of unique signatures. Encryption renders this task even more difficult since packet content is no longer available to parse. More recent techniques based on statistical analysis of parameters such as packet-size and arrival time of packets have shown promise; such techniques have been shown to classify traffic from a small number of applications with a high degree of accuracy. However, we show that when employed to a large number of applications, the performance falls short of satisfactory. In this paper, we propose a novel set of bit-sequence based features which exploit differences in randomness of data generated by different applications. These differences originating due to dissimilarities in encryption implementations by different applications leave footprints on the data generated by them. We validate that these features can differentiate data encrypted with various ciphers (89% accuracy) and key-sizes (83% accuracy). Our evaluation shows that such features can not only differentiate traffic originating from different categories of mobile apps (90% accuracy), but can also classify 175 individual applications with 95% accuracy.


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Published: 13 May 2019


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  1. bit-sequence
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