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It is our great pleasure to welcome you to <I>The Web Conference 2019</I>. The Web Conference is the premier venue focused on understanding the current state and the evolution of the Web through the lens of computer science, computational social science, economics, policy, and many other disciplines. The 2019 edition of the conference is a reflection point as we celebrate the 30th anniversary of the Web.
Proceeding Downloads
Incorporating System-Level Objectives into Recommender Systems
One of the most essential parts of any recommender system is personalization– how acceptable the recommendations are from the user’s perspective. However, in many real-world applications, there are other stakeholders whose needs and interests should be ...
Identification of the Source(s) of Misinformation Propagation Utilizing Identifying Codes
With billions of users, social networks have become the go to platform for information diffusion for news media outlets. Lately, certain entities (users and/or organizations) have been active in generating misinformation in order to attract users to ...
Representation Learning for Recommender Systems with Application to the Scientific Literature
The scientific literature is a large information network linking various actors (laboratories, companies, institutions, etc.). The vast amount of data generated by this network constitutes a dynamic heterogeneous attributed network (HAN), in which new ...
Cores and Other Dense Structures in Complex Networks
Complex networks are a powerful paradigm to model complex systems. Specific network models, e.g., multilayer networks, temporal networks, and signed networks, enrich the standard network representation with additional information to better capture real-...
Extracting actionable information from Security Forums
The goal of this work is to systematically extract information from hacker forums, whose information would be in general described as unstructured: the text of a post is not necessarily following any writing rules. By contrast, many security initiatives ...
Dynamics of Misinformation Cascades
The study of information-sharing cascades has been a constant endeavor since the emergence of social networks. Internet memes which mostly consist of catchphrases, viral images, or small videos shared over the social network are notorious for attracting ...
ClickGraph: Web Page Embedding using Clickstream Data for Multitask Learning
The rise of big data frameworks has given website administrators the ability to track user clickstream data with more detail than ever before. These clickstreams can represent the user’s intent and purpose in visiting the site. While existing work has ...
Finding Themselves between Home and Host Cultures
Advancements in technology have enabled society to become increasingly globalised, both with regard to physical migration, as well as through the use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) to enable the maintenance of transnational ties. ...
Data-Driven Edu Chatbots
There are many online courses and contents on the web, so each learner can find the best one and choose it. However, sometimes many online courses are poorly accessible due to the limits of the search engines on the web. The advent of intelligent ...
Towards Better Entity Linking Evaluation
The Entity Linking (EL) task is concerned with linking entity mentions in a text collection with their corresponding knowledge-base entries. Despite the progress made in the evaluation of EL systems, there is still much work to be done, where this Ph.D. ...
Velocity on the Web - a PhD Symposium
It is a streaming world: a new generation of Web Applications is pushing the Web infrastructure to evolve and process data as soon as they arrive. However, the Web of Data is not appealing to the growing number of Web Applications demanding to tame Data ...
Robust Detection of Cyberbullying in Social Media
The potentially detrimental effects of cyberbullying have led to the development of numerous automated, data–driven approaches, with an emphasis on classification accuracy. Cyberbullying, as a form of abusive online behavior, although not well–defined, ...
Scalable Eye Tracking for Mobile Devices
Eye tracking provides an effective solution to users’ attention, interest, and engagement. While gaze estimation based on a standard camera can be versatile, it remains challenging to achieve an accurate, robust, and scalable solution on mobile devices. ...
Lessons from neuroscience
Visual attention and eye movements in primates have been widely shown to be guided by a combination of stimulus-dependent or 'bottom-up' cues, as well as task-dependent or 'top-down' cues. Both the bottom-up and top-down aspects of attention and eye ...
Persuasive Technologies for Sustainable Smart Cities: The Case of Urban Mobility
In this paper, we study the effectiveness of personalized persuasive interventions to change urban travelers’ mobility behavior and nudge them towards more sustainable transport choices. More specifically, we embed a set of persuasive design elements in ...
Mobility as a Service
MAAS as a mobility model leans on the idea that a gap between private and public transport systems needs to be bridged as well as on a city, intercity, national and supranational level. The current situation is felt problematic due to the fragmented ...
Supporting Urban Air Mobility with Citizen Participatory Noise Sensing: A Concept
Looking ahead, in about 20 years, there is likely to be urban air mobility in larger cities across the globe. If economic predictions come true, thousands of air taxi flights will take place daily in capital cities – not only in megacities. Noise ...
Integrating Route Attractiveness Attributes into Tourist Trip Recommendations
Tourist trip recommender systems (RSs) support travelers in identifying the most attractive points of interests (POIss) and combine the POIss along a route for single- or multi-day trips. Most RSs consider only the quality of POIss when searching for ...
Hybrid Human Machine workflows for mobility management
- Eddy Maddalena,
- Luis-Daniel Ibáñez,
- Elena Simperl,
- Richard Gomer,
- Mattia Zeni,
- Donglei Song,
- Fausto Giunchiglia
Sustainable mobility is one of the main goals of both European and United Nations plans for 2030. The concept of Smart Cities has arisen as a way to achieve this goal by leveraging IoT interconnected devices to collect and analyse large quantities of ...
Intelligent Traffic Congestion Classification System using Artificial Neural Network
Managing the ever increasing road traffic congestion due to enormous vehicular growth is a big concern all over the world. Tremendous air pollution, loss of valuable time and money are the common consequences of traffic congestion in urban areas. IoT ...
Leveraging AI and Sensor Fabrics to Evolve Smart City Solution Designs
Cities have entered the age of the sensor and located sensors everywhere over and under cities. The sensors monitor a host of factors that assess City operations and life such as air quality, noise, city services and traffic. Further, the sensors have “...
TOMI: A Framework for Smart Tourism on the Move Innovation
Smart technologies advancements, emerging markets competition and sustainability needs have radically changed tourism and transport sectors. The key features of this change are the exploitation of evolving Big Data in the business intelligence context, ...
Travel Time Estimation Accuracy in Developing Regions: An Empirical Case Study with Uber Data in Delhi-NCR✱
Travel time estimates are highly useful in planning urban mobility events. This paper investigates the quality of travel time estimates in the Indian capital city of Delhi and the National Capital Region (NCR). Using Uber mobile and web applications, we ...
Data4UrbanMobility: Towards Holistic Data Analytics for Mobility Applications in Urban Regions
- Nicolas Tempelmeier,
- Yannick Rietz,
- Iryna Lishchuk,
- Tina Kruegel,
- Olaf Mumm,
- Vanessa Miriam Carlow,
- Stefan Dietze,
- Elena Demidova
With the increasing availability of mobility-related data, such as GPS-traces, Web queries and climate conditions, there is a growing demand to utilize this data to better understand and support urban mobility needs. However, data available from the ...
Detect Me If You Can: Spam Bot Detection Using Inductive Representation Learning
Spam Bots have become a threat to online social networks with their malicious behavior, posting misinformation messages and influencing online platforms to fulfill their motives. As spam bots have become more advanced over time, creating algorithms to ...
Cited By
- He Z and Yu J (2024). A Branch-&-Bound Algorithm for Fractional Hypertree Decomposition, Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment, 17:13, (4655-4667), Online publication date: 1-Sep-2024.
- Fang Z, Sun Q, Chen L, Hu D and Gao Y (2024). Spatio-Temporal Learning for Route-Based Travel Time Estimation, Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 39:5, (1107-1122), Online publication date: 1-Sep-2024.
- Yu J, Wang H, Wang X, Li Z, Qin L, Zhang W, Liao J and Zhang Y Group-based Fraud Detection Network on e-Commerce Platforms Proceedings of the 29th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, (5463-5475)
Zambon T, Bassetti C and Prandi C (2023). A Close Look at Citizen Science Through the HCI Lens: A Systematic Literature Review Human-Computer Interaction – INTERACT 2023, 10.1007/978-3-031-42283-6_23, (414-435),
- Zhou Z, Zhou X, Li M, Song Y, Zhang T and Yan R Personalized Query Suggestion with Searching Dynamic Flow for Online Recruitment Proceedings of the 31st ACM International Conference on Information & Knowledge Management, (2773-2783)
- Pang L, Liu W, Chang K, Li X, Bhattacharya M, Liu X and Guo S Deep Search Relevance Ranking in Practice Proceedings of the 28th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, (4810-4811)
- Krekhov A, Emmerich K, Fuchs J and Krueger J Interpolating Happiness: Understanding the Intensity Gradations of Face Emojis Across Cultures Proceedings of the 2022 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, (1-17)
- Zhao K, Zheng Y, Zhuang T, Li X and Zeng X Joint Learning of E-commerce Search and Recommendation with a Unified Graph Neural Network Proceedings of the Fifteenth ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining, (1461-1469)
Barkhashree and Dhaliwal P (2021). Comprehensive Exploration of Machine Learning based models in Digital Forensics – A plunge into Hate Speech Detection 2021 3rd International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication Control and Networking (ICAC3N), 10.1109/ICAC3N53548.2021.9725393, 978-1-6654-3811-7, (1933-1938)
- Gu Y, Bao W, Ou D, Li X, Cui B, Ma B, Huang H, Liu Q and Zeng X Self-Supervised Learning on Users' Spontaneous Behaviors for Multi-Scenario Ranking in E-commerce Proceedings of the 30th ACM International Conference on Information & Knowledge Management, (3828-3837)
- Zhou X and Zhang Z Maximizing Influence of Leaders in Social Networks Proceedings of the 27th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery & Data Mining, (2400-2408)
Acceptance Rates
Year | Submitted | Accepted | Rate |
WWW '18 | 1,155 | 170 | 15% |
WWW '17 | 966 | 164 | 17% |
WWW '17 Companion | 966 | 164 | 17% |
WWW '16 | 727 | 115 | 16% |
WWW '16 Companion | 727 | 115 | 16% |
WWW '15 | 929 | 131 | 14% |
WWW '14 | 645 | 84 | 13% |
WWW '13 Companion | 1,250 | 831 | 66% |
WWW '13 | 831 | 125 | 15% |
Overall | 8,196 | 1,899 | 23% |