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Ageing is Not a Disease: Pitfalls for the Acceptance of Self-Management Health Systems Supporting Healthy Ageing

Published: 24 October 2019 Publication History


Recently, a shift from curative to preventive care is promoted, by which patients are expected to become active and use diverse forms of self-management health systems (SMHS), i.e., integrated solutions that present data from multiple sensors and/or self-reports, possibly enhanced with risk assessment and decision support, to perform health-related actions. This is promoted as contributing to living longer and healthier, assisting ageing-in-place. Hence, older adults have also become a potential target of SMHS. While studies are performed on uses and attitudes of specific patient groups towards SMHS, studies that focus on older, including the oldest, adults are scarce. Therefore, we report on a qualitative study with 20 older adults (mean age = 80). Through thematic analysis, we identified four themes (i.e., enforced use of technology; need for support in technology use; equivocal stance towards sharing data; hypothetical value of technology for healthy ageing) to provide a deeper understanding of older adults' attitudes and engagement with information- and communication technologies (ICT) in general and SMHS in particular. We also present four pitfalls, unified by a central concept "Ageing is not a disease'', along with design considerations for future SMHS.


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