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View all- Grau-Sarabia MFuster-Morell M(2021)Gender approaches in the study of the digital economy: a systematic literature reviewHumanities and Social Sciences Communications10.1057/s41599-021-00875-x8:1Online publication date: 23-Aug-2021
In 2011, Egypt's uprising was realized due to a large number of reasons, including the capitalization on information and communication technology ICT as an enabling platform. The experience in Egypt demonstrated the impact of ICT. However, its effect on ...
Literature has highlighted the potential of information and communication technology (ICT) in building new models of public governance that promote fairness and accountability, which are key requirements in the fight against corruption. In this context, ...
This paper presents a case study on the ICT for development initiative in rural area launched recently by the Government of Bangladesh with UNDP support. The study concerns about how Union Information and Service Centers (UISC), established at the ...
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