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BLITZ: Low Latency and Energy-Efficient Communication for Event-Triggered Wireless Sensing Systems

Published: 28 March 2019 Publication History


Event-triggered wireless sensing systems are an important class of wireless sensor network, where the detection of non-deterministic events enables the monitoring and control of processes in industries such as manufacturing, healthcare, and agriculture. The system properties of low latency, energy efficiency, and adaptability make event-triggered wireless sensing systems a key technological enabler for the Industrial Internet of Things.
<?tight?>Wireless sensing systems based on periodic multi-hop communication exhibit a fundamental trade-off between latency and energy efficiency, which is unfavorable for event-triggered application scenarios. To address this technological gap, we present Blitz, the first communication architecture that combines asynchronous and synchronous flooding primitives to facilitate low latency and energy-efficient multi-hop communication of non-deterministic events. Blitz also incorporates a novel scheme for mitigating erroneous wake-ups, which is shown analytically and experimentally to further reduce energy consumption. We present a prototype implementation of Blitz and evaluate its performance in an indoor testbed deployment. Experiments show that BLITZ supports a mean latency as low as 108.9ms for an 8-bit event packet and its associated data packet of 32 bytes through a 4-hop network, and a power dissipation of 16μW during periods of inactivity.


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  1. BLITZ: Low Latency and Energy-Efficient Communication for Event-Triggered Wireless Sensing Systems



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      ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks  Volume 15, Issue 2
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      Published: 28 March 2019
      Accepted: 01 January 2019
      Revised: 01 January 2019
      Received: 01 February 2018
      Published in TOSN Volume 15, Issue 2


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      1. Event-triggered wireless sensing
      2. cyber-physical systems
      3. energy efficient
      4. glossy
      5. interference
      6. network flooding
      7. on demand
      8. responsiveness
      9. synchronous transmissions
      10. wake-up radio
      11. wake-up receiver
      12. wireless sensor networks


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