Cited By
View all- Rato DCorreia FPereira APrada R(2022)Robots in GamesInternational Journal of Social Robotics10.1007/s12369-022-00944-415:1(37-57)Online publication date: 13-Dec-2022
This study proposes a communication robot that plays video games together with the user to create a fun atmosphere for a daily-use robot. In recent years, the lack of conversation in daily life has become a problem, and as a solution to this problem, a ...
Previous work has shown that honeybees use a snapshot model to determine a local vector to find their way home. A simpler, average landmark vector model has since been proposed for biologically-inspired mobile robot homing. Previously, the authors have ...
Wall-following is an effective and economical approach for a robot to navigate in an environment where physical features like walls exist as natural references for its movements. During the robot's wall-following process where the working space is ...
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