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View all- Pooja (2023)A novel differential evolution algorithm for economic power dispatch problemNumerical Algebra, Control and Optimization10.3934/naco.202104213:1(28-44)Online publication date: 2023
This paper presents the combination of differential evolution (DE) and Biogeography-based Optimization (BBO) algorithm to solve complex economic emission load dispatch (EELD) problems of thermal generators of power systems. Emission substances like NO"X,...
This paper proposes a novel two layer differential evolutionary algorithm with multi-mutation strategy (TLDE) for solving the economic emission dispatch (EED) problem involving random wind power. In recent years, renewable energy such as wind power is ...
Economic Load Dispatch (ELD) is an important and difficult optimization problem in power system planning. This article aims at addressing two practically important issues related to ELD optimization: (1) analyzing the ELD problem from the perspective of ...
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