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Naviarm: Augmenting the Learning of Motor Skills using a Backpack-type Robotic Arm System

Published: 11 March 2019 Publication History


We present a wearable haptic assistance robotic system for augmented motor learning called Naviarm. This system comprises two robotic arms that are mounted on a user's body and are used to transfer one person's motion to another offline. Naviarm pre-records the arm motion trajectories of an expert via the mounted robotic arms and then plays back these recorded trajectories to share the expert's body motion with a beginner. The Naviarm system is an ungrounded system and provides mobility for the user to conduct a variety of motions. In this paper, we focus on the temporal aspect of motor skill and use a mime performance as a case study learning task. We verified the system effectiveness for motor learning using the conducted experiments. The results suggest that the proposed system has benefits for learning sequential skills.


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AH2019: Proceedings of the 10th Augmented Human International Conference 2019
March 2019
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Association for Computing Machinery

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Published: 11 March 2019


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  1. Augmented learning
  2. Haptics
  3. Motor Learning
  4. Robotics
  5. Wearable Device


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