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Bootstrapping results for threshold circuits “just beyond” known lower bounds

Published: 23 June 2019 Publication History


The best known lower bounds for the circuit class TC0 are only slightly super-linear. Similarly, the best known algorithm for derandomization of this class is an algorithm for quantified derandomization (i.e., a weak type of derandomization) of circuits of slightly super-linear size. In this paper we show that even very mild quantitative improvements of either of the two foregoing results would already imply super-polynomial lower bounds for TC0. Specifically:
(1) If for every c>1 and sufficiently large d∈ℕ it holds that n-bit TC0 circuits of depth d require n1+cd wires to compute certain NC1-complete functions, then TC0NC1. In fact, even lower bounds for TC0 circuits of size n1+cd against these functions when c>1 is fixed and sufficiently small would yield lower bounds for polynomial-sized circuits. Lower bounds of the form n1+cd against these functions are already known, but for a fixed c≈2.41 that is too large to yield new lower bounds via our results.
(2) If there exists a deterministic algorithm that gets as input an n-bit TC0 circuit of depth d and n1+(1.61)d wires, runs in time 2no(1), and distinguishes circuits that accept at most B(n)=2n1−(1.61)d inputs from circuits that reject at most B(n) inputs, then NEXPTC0. An algorithm for this “quantified derandomization” task is already known, but it works only when the number of wires is n1+cd, for c>30, and with a smaller B(n)≈2n1−(30/c)d.
Intuitively, the “takeaway” message from our work is that the gap between currently-known results and results that would suffice to get super-polynomial lower bounds for TC0 boils down to the precise constant c>1 in the bound n1+cd on the number of wires. Our results improve previous results of Allender and Koucký (2010) and of the second author (2018), respectively, whose hypotheses referred to circuits with n1+c/d wires (rather than n1+cd wires). We also prove results similar to two results above for other circuit classes (i.e., ACC0 and CC0).


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Published: 23 June 2019


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  1. Circuit Complexity
  2. Derandomization
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