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How to delegate computations publicly

Published: 23 June 2019 Publication History


We construct a delegation scheme for all polynomial time computations. Our scheme is publicly verifiable and completely non-interactive in the common reference string (CRS) model.
Our scheme is based on an efficiently falsifiable decisional assumption on groups with bilinear maps. Prior to this work, publicly verifiable non-interactive delegation schemes were only known under knowledge assumptions (or in the Random Oracle model) or under non-standard assumptions related to obfuscation or multilinear maps.
We obtain our result in two steps. First, we construct a scheme with a long CRS (polynomial in the running time of the computation) by following the blueprint of Paneth and Rothblum (TCC 2017). Then we bootstrap this scheme to obtain a short CRS. Our bootstrapping theorem exploits the fact that our scheme can securely delegate certain non-deterministic computations.


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STOC 2019: Proceedings of the 51st Annual ACM SIGACT Symposium on Theory of Computing
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Published: 23 June 2019


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