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10.1145/3313808.3313823acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesveeConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Tail latency in node.js: energy efficient turbo boosting for long latency requests in event-driven web services

Published: 14 April 2019 Publication History


Cloud-based Web services are shifting to the event-driven, scripting language-based programming model to achieve productivity, flexibility, and scalability. Implementations of this model, however, generally suffer from long tail latencies, which we measure using Node.js as a case study. Unlike in traditional thread-based systems, reducing long tails is difficult in event-driven systems due to their inherent asynchronous programming model. We propose a framework to identify and optimize tail latency sources in scripted event-driven Web services. We introduce profiling that allows us to gain deep insights into not only how asynchronous event-driven execution impacts application tail latency but also how the managed runtime system overhead exacerbates the tail latency issue further. Using the profiling framework, we propose an event-driven execution runtime design that orchestrates the hardware’s boosting capabilities to reduce tail latency. We achieve higher tail latency reductions with lower energy overhead than prior techniques that are unaware of the underlying event-driven program execution model. The lessons we derive from Node.js apply to other event-driven services based on scripting language frameworks.


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Cited By

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  • (2023)A Study of Java Microbenchmark Tail LatenciesCompanion of the 2023 ACM/SPEC International Conference on Performance Engineering10.1145/3578245.3584690(77-81)Online publication date: 15-Apr-2023
  • (2022)Supervisory Event Loop-based Autoscaling of Node.js Deployments2022 International Conference on High Performance Big Data and Intelligent Systems (HDIS)10.1109/HDIS56859.2022.9991325(1-7)Online publication date: 10-Dec-2022
  • (2022)Performance optimization for cloud computing systems in the microservice era: state-of-the-art and research opportunitiesFrontiers of Computer Science10.1007/s11704-020-0072-316:6Online publication date: 22-Jan-2022



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Published In

cover image ACM Conferences
VEE 2019: Proceedings of the 15th ACM SIGPLAN/SIGOPS International Conference on Virtual Execution Environments
April 2019
206 pages
  • General Chair:
  • Jennifer Sartor,
  • Program Chairs:
  • Mayur Naik,
  • Chris Rossbach
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 14 April 2019


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  1. JavaScript
  2. Node.js
  3. event-driven
  4. tail latency


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  • (2023)A Study of Java Microbenchmark Tail LatenciesCompanion of the 2023 ACM/SPEC International Conference on Performance Engineering10.1145/3578245.3584690(77-81)Online publication date: 15-Apr-2023
  • (2022)Supervisory Event Loop-based Autoscaling of Node.js Deployments2022 International Conference on High Performance Big Data and Intelligent Systems (HDIS)10.1109/HDIS56859.2022.9991325(1-7)Online publication date: 10-Dec-2022
  • (2022)Performance optimization for cloud computing systems in the microservice era: state-of-the-art and research opportunitiesFrontiers of Computer Science10.1007/s11704-020-0072-316:6Online publication date: 22-Jan-2022

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