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Meta-AR-App: An Authoring Platform for Collaborative Augmented Reality in STEM Classrooms

Published: 23 April 2020 Publication History


Augmented Reality (AR) has become a valuable tool for education and training processes. Meanwhile, cloud-based technologies can foster collaboration and other interaction modalities to enhance learning. We combine the cloud capabilities with AR technologies to present Meta-AR-App, an authoring platform for collaborative AR, which enables authoring between instructors and students. Additionally, we introduce a new application of an established collaboration process, the pull-based development model, to enable sharing and retrieving of AR learning content. We customize this model and create two modalities of interaction for the classroom: local (student to student) and global (instructor to class) pull. Based on observations from our user studies, we organize a four-category classroom model which implements our system: Work, Design, Collaboration, and Technology. Further, our system enables an iterative improvement workflow of the class content and enables synergistic collaboration that empowers students to be active agents in the learning process.

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