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Pronto: Rapid Augmented Reality Video Prototyping Using Sketches and Enaction

Published: 23 April 2020 Publication History


Designers have limited tools to prototype AR experiences rapidly. Can lightweight, immediate tools let designers prototype dynamic AR interactions while capturing the nuances of a 3D experience? We interviewed three AR experts and identified several recurring issues in AR design: creating and positioning 3D assets, handling the changing user position, and orchestrating multiple animations. We introduce PROJECT PRONTO, a tablet-based video prototyping system that combines 2D video with 3D manipulation. PRONTO supports four intertwined activities: capturing 3D spatial information alongside a video scenario, positioning and sketching 2D drawings in a 3D world, and enacting animations with physical interactions. An observational study with professional designers shows that participants can use PRONTO to prototype diverse AR experiences. All participants performed two tasks: replicating a sample non-trivial AR experience and prototyping their open-ended designs. All participants completed the replication task and found PRONTO easy to use. Most participants found that PRONTO encourages more exploration of designs than their current practices.

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Published: 23 April 2020


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