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Becoming a Robot - Overcoming Anthropomorphism with Techno-Mimesis

Published: 23 April 2020 Publication History


Employing anthropomorphism in physical appearance and behavior is the most widespread strategy for designing social robots. In the present paper, we argue that imitating humans impedes the full exploration of robots' social abilities. In fact, their very 'thingness' (e.g., sensors, rationality) is able to create 'superpowers' that go beyond human abilities, such as endless patience. To better identify these special abilities, we develop a performative method called 'Techno-Mimesis' and explore it in a series of workshops with robot designers. Specifically, we create 'prostheses' to allow designers to transform themselves into their future robot to experience use cases from the robot's perspective, e.g., 'seeing' with a distance sensor rather than with eyes. This imperfect imitation helps designers to experience being human and being robot at the same time, making differences apparent and facilitating the discovery of a number of potential physical, cognitive, and communicational robotic superpowers.


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    CHI '20: Proceedings of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
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    Published: 23 April 2020


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    1. anthropomorphism
    2. new animism
    3. performative design method
    4. service robots
    5. social robots


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