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The Effectiveness of Visual and Audio Wayfinding Guidance on Smartglasses for People with Low Vision

Published: 23 April 2020 Publication History


Wayfinding is a critical but challenging task for people who have low vision, a visual impairment that falls short of blindness. Prior wayfinding systems for people with visual impairments focused on blind people, providing only audio and tactile feedback. Since people with low vision use their remaining vision, we sought to determine how audio feedback compares to visual feedback in a wayfinding task. We developed visual and audio wayfinding guidance on smartglasses based on de facto standard approaches for blind and sighted people and conducted a study with 16 low vision participants. We found that participants made fewer mistakes and experienced lower cognitive load with visual feedback. Moreover, participants with a full field of view completed the wayfinding tasks faster when using visual feedback. However, many participants preferred audio feedback because of its shorter learning curve. We propose design guidelines for wayfinding systems for low vision.

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  1. The Effectiveness of Visual and Audio Wayfinding Guidance on Smartglasses for People with Low Vision



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