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I'm All Eyes and Ears: Exploring Effective Locators for Privacy Awareness in IoT Scenarios

Published: 23 April 2020 Publication History


With the proliferation of IoT devices, there are growing concerns about being sensed or monitored by these devices unawares, especially in places perceived as private. We explore the design space of IoT locators to help people physically find nearby IoT devices. We first conducted a survey to understand people's willingness, current practices, and challenges in finding IoT devices. Our survey findings motivated us to design and implement low-cost locators (visual, auditory, and contextualized pictures) to help people find nearby devices. Through an iterative design process and two rounds of experiments, we found that these locators greatly reduced people's search time over a baseline of no locators. Many participants found the visual and auditory locators enjoyable. Some participants also appropriated the use of our system for other purposes, e.g., to learn about new IoT devices, instead of for privacy awareness.


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