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CurveBoards: Integrating Breadboards into Physical Objects to Prototype Function in the Context of Form

Published: 23 April 2020 Publication History


CurveBoards are breadboards integrated into physical objects. In contrast to traditional breadboards, CurveBoards better preserve the object's look and feel while maintaining high circuit fluidity, which enables designers to exchange and reposition components during design iteration. Since CurveBoards are fully functional, i.e., the screens are displaying content and the buttons take user input, designers can test interactive scenarios and log interaction data on the physical prototype while still being able to make changes to the component layout and circuit design as needed. We present an interactive editor that enables users to convert 3D models into CurveBoards and discuss our fabrication technique for making CurveBoard prototypes. We also provide a technical evaluation of CurveBoard's conductivity and durability and summarize informal user feedback.

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  1. CurveBoards: Integrating Breadboards into Physical Objects to Prototype Function in the Context of Form



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    CHI '20: Proceedings of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
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