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Dynamic Motor Skill Synthesis with Human-Machine Mutual Actuation

Published: 23 April 2020 Publication History


This paper presents an approach for coupling robotic capability with human ability in dynamic motor skills, called "Human-Machine Mutual Actuation (HMMA)." We focus specifically on throwing motions and propose a method to control the release timing computationally. A system we developed achieves our concept, HMMA, by a robotic handheld device that acts as a release controller. We conducted user studies to validate the feasibility of the concept and clarify related technical issues to be tackled. We recognized that the system successfully performs on throwing according to the target while it exploits human ability. These empirical experiments suggest that robotic capability can be embedded into the users' motions without losing their senses of control. Throughout the user study, we also revealed several issues to be tackled in further research contributing to HMMA.

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  1. Dynamic Motor Skill Synthesis with Human-Machine Mutual Actuation



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