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Modeling Organizational Culture with Workplace Experiences Shared on Glassdoor

Published: 23 April 2020 Publication History


Organizational culture (OC) encompasses the underlying beliefs, values, and practices that are unique to an organization. However, OC is inherently subjective and a coarse construct, and therefore challenging to quantify. Alternatively, self-initiated workplace reviews on online platforms like Glassdoor provide the opportunity to leverage the richness of language to understand OC. In as much, first, we use multiple job descriptors to operationalize OC as a word vector representation. We validate this construct with language used in 650k different Glassdoor reviews. Next, we propose a methodology to apply our construct on Glassdoor reviews to quantify the OC of employees by sector. We validate our measure of OC on a dataset of 341 employees by providing empirical evidence that it helps explain job performance. We discuss the implications of our work in guiding tailored interventions and designing tools for improving employee functioning.

Supplemental Material

MP4 File
ZIP File
ZIP contains two files: 1) Supplementary A (Table): This describes the 41 dimensions of OC identified by the researchers to be used to assess OC on Glassdoor. These dimensions are defined by their descriptions on O*Net and include references to the domain instruments (OC frameworks) that were used to validate the dimension. Specifically relevant to the section in "Aim 1: Identifying Descriptors of Organizational Culture" (Pg. 4); 2) Supplemantary B (Figure): This heatmap compares and contrasts the top n-grams across different dimensions of OC. It is an expanded and higher higher resolution version of Figure 2 in the paper.


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