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Get a grip: slippage-robust and glint-free gaze estimation for real-time pervasive head-mounted eye tracking

Published: 25 June 2019 Publication History


A key assumption conventionally made by flexible head-mounted eye-tracking systems is often invalid: The eye center does not remain stationary w.r.t. the eye camera due to slippage. For instance, eye-tracker slippage might happen due to head acceleration or explicit adjustments by the user. As a result, gaze estimation accuracy can be significantly reduced. In this work, we propose Grip, a novel gaze estimation method capable of instantaneously compensating for eye-tracker slippage without additional hardware requirements such as glints or stereo eye camera setups. Grip was evaluated using previously collected data from a large scale unconstrained pervasive eye-tracking study. Our results indicate significant slippage compensation potential, decreasing average participant median angular offset by more than 43% w.r.t. a non-slippage-robust gaze estimation method. A reference implementation of Grip was integrated into EyeRecToo, an open-source hardware-agnostic eye-tracking software, thus making it readily accessible for multiple eye trackers (Available at:


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ETRA '19: Proceedings of the 11th ACM Symposium on Eye Tracking Research & Applications
June 2019
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