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Improving real-time CNN-based pupil detection through domain-specific data augmentation

Published: 25 June 2019 Publication History


Deep learning is a promising technique for real-world pupil detection. However, the small amount of available accurately-annotated data poses a challenge when training such networks. Here, we utilize non-challenging eye videos where algorithmic approaches perform virtually without errors to automatically generate a foundational data set containing subpixel pupil annotations. Then, we propose multiple domain-specific data augmentation methods to create unique training sets containing controlled distributions of pupil-detection challenges. The feasibility, convenience, and advantage of this approach is demonstrated by training a CNN with these datasets. The resulting network outperformed current methods in multiple publicly-available, realistic, and challenging datasets, despite being trained solely with the augmented eye images. This network also exhibited better generalization w.r.t. the latest state-of-the-art CNN: Whereas on datasets similar to training data, the nets displayed similar performance, on datasets unseen to both networks, ours outperformed the state-of-the-art by ≈27% in terms of detection rate.


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ETRA '19: Proceedings of the 11th ACM Symposium on Eye Tracking Research & Applications
June 2019
623 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 25 June 2019


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  1. data augmentation
  2. deep learning
  3. pupil detection


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