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Why and How to Increase SSD Performance Transparency

Published: 13 May 2019 Publication History


Even on modern SSDs, I/O scheduling is a first-order performance concern. However, it is unclear how best to optimize I/O patterns for SSDs, because a complex layer of proprietary firmware hides many principal aspects of performance, as well as SSD lifetime. Losing this information leads to research papers drawing incorrect conclusions about prototype systems, as well as real-world systems realizing sub-optimal performance and lifetime. It is our position that a useful performance model of a foundational system component is essential, and the community should support efforts to construct models of SSD performance. We show examples from the literature and our own measurements that illustrate serious limitations of current SSD modeling tools and disk statistics. We observe an opportunity to resolve this problem by reverse engineering SSDs, leveraging recent trends toward component standardization within SSDs. This paper presents a feasibility study and initial results to reverse engineer a commercial SSD's firmware, and discusses limitations and open problems.


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