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AuthCTC: Defending Against Waveform Emulation Attack in Heterogeneous IoT Environments

Published: 05 October 2020 Publication History


Widely deployed IoT devices have raised serious concerns for the spectrum shortage and the cost of multi-protocol gateway deployment. Recent emerging Cross-Technology Communication (CTC) technique can alleviate this issue by enabling direct communication among heterogeneous wireless devices, such as WiFi, Bluetooth, and ZigBee on 2.4 GHz. However, this new paradigm also brings security risks, where an attacker can use CTC to launch wireless attacks against IoT devices. Due to limited computational capability and different wireless protocols being used, many IoT devices are unable to use computationally-intensive cryptographic approaches for security enhancement. Therefore, without proper detection methods, IoT devices cannot distinguish signal sources before executing command signals. In this paper, we first demonstrate a new defined physical layer attack in the CTC scenario, named as waveform emulation attack, where a WiFi device can overhear and emulate the ZigBee waveform to attack ZigBee IoT devices. Then, to defend against this new attack, we propose a physical layer defensive mechanism, named as AuthCTC, to verify the legitimacy of CTC signals. Specifically, at the sender side, an authorization code is embedded into the packet preamble by leveraging the dynamically changed cyclic prefix. A WiFi-based detector is used to verify the authorization code at the receiver side. Extensive simulations and experiments using off-the-shelf devices are conducted to demonstrate both the feasibility of the attack and the effectiveness of our defensive mechanism.

Supplementary Material

MP4 File (3320269.3384726.mp4)
In this video, we propose and implement a novel attack in the cross-technology communication (CTC) environment, named as Waveform Emulation Attack (WEA), where a WiFi device can eavesdrop on the ZigBee communication channel, and then emulate ZigBee signals to control target devices. Then, we develop a physical layer defensive mechanism to defend against this kind of attack. At the sender side, the legitimate CTC device can embed an authorization code into the preamble of the packet by changing the CP length dynamically. At the receiver side, a detector is used to verify the authorization code. Since the authorization code is changing over time, an illegitimate device cannot know the next available authorization code so that its packet cannot pass the verification. Through this mechanism, end ZigBee devices can verify the legitimacy of CTC signals. Experiment results demonstrate that the WEA is feasible and our defense mechanism can defeat it effectively.


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      ASIA CCS '20: Proceedings of the 15th ACM Asia Conference on Computer and Communications Security
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      1. cross-technology communication
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      3. waveform emulation attack


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