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Exploring the Power of Visual Features for the Recommendation of Movies

Published: 07 June 2019 Publication History


In this paper, we explore the potential of using visual features in movie Recommender Systems. This type of content features can be extracted automatically without any human involvement and have been shown to be very effective in representing the visual content of movies. We have performed the following experiments, using a large dataset of movie trailers: (i) Experiment A: an exploratory analysis as an initial investigation on the data, and (ii) Experiment B: building a movie recommender based on the visual features and evaluating the performance. The observed results have shown promising potential of visual features in representing the movies and the excellency of recommendation based on these features.


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UMAP '19: Proceedings of the 27th ACM Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization
June 2019
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Published: 07 June 2019


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  1. cold start
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  4. movie recommender systems
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