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View all- Tran TParker CYu XDey DMartens MBazilinskyy PTomitsch M(2024)Evaluating Autonomous Vehicle External Communication Using a Multi-Pedestrian VR SimulatorProceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies10.1145/36785068:3(1-26)Online publication date: 9-Sep-2024
- Wang YHoggenmüller MZhang GTran TTomitsch M(2024)Immersive In-Situ Prototyping: Influence of Real-World Context on Evaluating Future Pedestrian Interfaces in Virtual RealityExtended Abstracts of the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems10.1145/3613905.3651071(1-8)Online publication date: 11-May-2024
- Tran TParker C(2024)Advancing VR simulators for autonomous vehicle–pedestrian interactions: A focus on multi-entity scenariosTransportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour10.1016/j.trf.2024.10.006107(775-790)Online publication date: Nov-2024
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