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DIS '19: Proceedings of the 2019 on Designing Interactive Systems Conference
ACM2019 Proceeding
  • Association for Computing Machinery
  • New York
  • NY
  • United States
DIS '19: Designing Interactive Systems Conference 2019 San Diego CA USA June 23 - 28, 2019
18 June 2019
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It is our great pleasure to welcome you to the ACM conference on Designing Interactive Systems 2019 (DIS 2019). DIS is the premier international and interdisciplinary conference encompassing all issues related to the design and deployment of interactive systems where designers, artists, theorists, psychologists, user experience researchers, systems engineers and many more come together to debate and shape the future of interaction systems research, design, and practice. The theme for DIS 2019 is "Contesting Borders and Intersections." Both borders and intersections are simultaneously about separation, margins, and friction as well as opportunities, promises, and imaginaries where alternative and diverse modes of engagements can be made possible and unfold. For the first time ever, we are excited to co-locate our conference with Creativity and Cognition 2019. There will be overlapping programs to strengthen the dialogues between our two related communities.

We received 415 paper submissions for DIS2019 from around the world, including Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, and North America. For the first time ever, the entire program committee met (including associate chairs and subcommittee chairs) during a virtual program committee meeting to determine paper acceptances. The program committee accepted 105 papers (25% acceptance) that cover a range of topics relevant to the DIS community. DIS 2019 received 59 pictorial submissions and the pictorials program committee accepted 16 submissions (27% acceptance). Across papers and pictorials, we see a range of work on making, experiences with technology, design theory, education, design practice, design methods, games and entertainment, health and wellness, sustainability, and the design of innovative systems. The technical program includes four parallel tracks with a total of 31 different sessions at the conference. In addition, the conference also features Provocations & Work-In-Progress papers, Demonstrations, Workshops, Doctoral Consortium papers, and an Art Exhibition.

  • Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
  • Georgia Institute of Technology
  • Simon Fraser University
  • Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Index Terms

  1. Proceedings of the 2019 on Designing Interactive Systems Conference
    Index terms have been assigned to the content through auto-classification.


    Acceptance Rates

    DIS '19 Paper Acceptance Rate 105 of 415 submissions, 25%;
    Overall Acceptance Rate 1,158 of 4,684 submissions, 25%
    DIS '19 Companion41510525%
    DIS '1941510525%
    DIS '1848710722%
    DIS '18 Companion48710722%
    DIS '1748710722%
    DIS '17 Companion48710722%
    DIS '1641810726%
    DIS '16 Companion41810726%
    DIS '1440210727%
    DIS Companion '1440210727%
    DIS '021394432%
    DIS '001274838%