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The Cross-Sensory Globe: Participatory Design of a 3D Audio-Tactile Globe Prototype for Blind and Low-Vision Users to Learn Geography

Published: 18 June 2019 Publication History


We present our participatively and iteratively designed 3D audio-tactile globe that enables blind and low-vision users to perceive geo-spatial information. Blind and low-vision users rely on learning aids such as 2D-tactile graphics, braille maps and 3D models to learn about geography. We employed participatory design as an approach to prototyping and evaluating four different iterations of a cross-sensory globe that uses 3D detachable continents to provide geo-spatial haptic information in combination with audio labels. Informed by our participatory design and evaluation, we discuss cross-sensory educational aids as an alternative to visually-oriented globes. Our findings reveal affordances of 3D-tactile models for conveying concrete features of the Earth (such as varying elevations of landforms) and audio labels for conveying abstract categories about the Earth (such as continent names). We highlight the advantages of longitudinal participatory design that includes the lived experiences and DIY innovations of blind and low-vision users and makers.


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  1. The Cross-Sensory Globe: Participatory Design of a 3D Audio-Tactile Globe Prototype for Blind and Low-Vision Users to Learn Geography



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      DIS '19: Proceedings of the 2019 on Designing Interactive Systems Conference
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      Published: 18 June 2019


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      1. 3d tactile
      2. co-design
      3. cross-sensory
      4. inclusive design
      5. non-visual
      6. participatory design
      7. visual impairment


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      • National Science and Engineering Council (NSERC)
      • Collaborative Research and Training Experience (CREATE) Program on Data Analytics and Visualization (DAV)


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