Cited By
View all- Araszkiewicz MFrancesconi EZurek TAndrade FGrabmair M(2023)Identification of Legislative ErrorsProceedings of the Nineteenth International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Law10.1145/3594536.3595172(2-11)Online publication date: 19-Jun-2023
- Araszkiewicz MZurek T(2021)Identification of Legislative Errors Through Knowledge Representation and Interpretive ArgumentationAI Approaches to the Complexity of Legal Systems XI-XII10.1007/978-3-030-89811-3_2(15-30)Online publication date: 27-Nov-2021
- Araszkiewicz MAmantea IChakravarty Svan Doesburg RDymitruk MGarin MGilpin LOdekerken DSalehi S(2020)ICAIL Doctoral Consortium, Montreal 2019Artificial Intelligence and Law10.1007/s10506-020-09267-zOnline publication date: 26-May-2020