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MagnetDroid: security-oriented analysis for bridging privacy and law for Android applications

Published: 17 June 2019 Publication History


MagnetDroid is a novel artificial intelligence framework that integrates a security ontology, a multi-agent organisation, and a logical reasoning procedure to help build a bridge between the worlds of Android application analysis and law, with respect to privacy. Our contribution helps identify violations of the law by Android applications, as well as predict legal consequences. The resulting implementation of MagnetDroid can be useful to privacy-concerned users in order to acknowledge problems with the privacy of the applications they use, to application developers/publishers to help them identify which problems to fix, and to lawyers in order to provide an additional level of interpretation for any court when considering the privacy of Android applications.


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Index Terms

  1. MagnetDroid: security-oriented analysis for bridging privacy and law for Android applications



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      cover image ACM Conferences
      ICAIL '19: Proceedings of the Seventeenth International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Law
      June 2019
      312 pages
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      • Univ. of Montreal: University of Montreal
      • AAAI
      • IAAIL: Intl Asso for Artifical Intel & Law


      Association for Computing Machinery

      New York, NY, United States

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      Published: 17 June 2019


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      1. Android
      2. Intelligent Agents
      3. Law
      4. Logic Programming
      5. Ontologies
      6. Privacy
      7. Security


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