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View all- Candela GGabriëls NChambers SDobreva MAmes SFerriter MFitzgerald NHarbo VHofmann KHolownia OIrollo AMahey MManchester EPham TPotter AVan Keer E(2023)A checklist to publish collections as data in GLAM institutionsGlobal Knowledge, Memory and Communication10.1108/GKMC-06-2023-0195Online publication date: 9-Nov-2023
- Candela GEscobar PSáez MMarco-Such M(2022)A Shape Expression approach for assessing the quality of Linked Open Data in librariesSemantic Web10.3233/SW-21044114:2(159-179)Online publication date: 15-Dec-2022
- Bryer ERhujittawiwat TComandur SMadrid VRiley SRose JWilder C(2021)Analysis of Clustering Algorithms to Clean and Normalize Early Modern European Book TitlesProceedings of the 2021 4th International Conference on Software Engineering and Information Management10.1145/3451471.3451489(106-112)Online publication date: 16-Jan-2021
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