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BiLO-CPDP: bi-level programming for automated model discovery in cross-project defect prediction

Published: 27 January 2021 Publication History


Cross-Project Defect Prediction (CPDP), which borrows data from similar projects by combining a transfer learner with a classifier, have emerged as a promising way to predict software defects when the available data about the target project is insufficient. However, developing such a model is challenge because it is difficult to determine the right combination of transfer learner and classifier along with their optimal hyper-parameter settings. In this paper, we propose a tool, dubbed BiLO-CPDP, which is the first of its kind to formulate the automated CPDP model discovery from the perspective of bi-level programming. In particular, the bi-level programming proceeds the optimization with two nested levels in a hierarchical manner. Specifically, the upper-level optimization routine is designed to search for the right combination of transfer learner and classifier while the nested lower-level optimization routine aims to optimize the corresponding hyper-parameter settings. To evaluate BiLO-CPDP, we conduct experiments on 20 projects to compare it with a total of 21 existing CPDP techniques, along with its single-level optimization variant and Auto-Sklearn, a state-of-the-art automated machine learning tool. Empirical results show that BiLO-CPDP champions better prediction performance than all other 21 existing CPDP techniques on 70% of the projects, while being overwhelmingly superior to Auto-Sklearn and its single-level optimization variant on all cases. Furthermore, the unique bi-level formalization in BiLO-CPDP also permits to allocate more budget to the upper-level, which significantly boosts the performance.


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  1. BiLO-CPDP: bi-level programming for automated model discovery in cross-project defect prediction



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    ASE '20: Proceedings of the 35th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering
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    Published: 27 January 2021


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    1. automated parameter optimization
    2. classification techniques
    3. configurable software and tool
    4. cross-project defect prediction
    5. transfer learning


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