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View all- Liu GWong S(2024)Mastering broom‐like tools for object transportation animation using deep reinforcement learningComputer Animation and Virtual Worlds10.1002/cav.225535:3Online publication date: 14-Jun-2024
This paper presents a novel agent-based approach to simulate cooperative tasks in crowd simulation. Our framework consists of two kinds of agents: pedestrians and workers. A cooperative task requires two or more workers to simultaneously perform actions ...
Crowd simulation has been an interesting and important area of research because of its wide application in real world domains. The driving mechanisms of crowd simulation is how agents in the crowd make decision about their individual moves. There ...
In this paper, using image processing and distance measurement, we develop a control system for automatic grasping and obstacle avoidance by a mobile robot. First, the mobile robot searches an object by turning until it is captured in camera ...
Association for Computing Machinery
New York, NY, United States
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