Cited By
View all- Ruprah TRegmi BJadhav SSingh S(2024)Early Stage Lung Cancer Detection Using Deep Learning2024 MIT Art, Design and Technology School of Computing International Conference (MITADTSoCiCon)10.1109/MITADTSoCiCon60330.2024.10575345(1-6)Online publication date: 25-Apr-2024
- C. KVimala HJ. S(2024)A systematic review of artificial intelligence techniques for oral cancer detectionHealthcare Analytics10.1016/ publication date: Jun-2024
- Kudva AKudva VPatil VMohan NShenoy PRai A(2024)Applications of Artificial Intelligence in the Analysis of Images of the Oral Cavity for Cancer DetectionBiomedical Imaging10.1007/978-981-97-5345-1_6(157-169)Online publication date: 27-Sep-2024