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Evaluating Domain Ontologies: Clarification, Classification, and Challenges

Published: 11 September 2019 Publication History


The number of applications being developed that require access to knowledge about the real world has increased rapidly over the past two decades. Domain ontologies, which formalize the terms being used in a discipline, have become essential for research in areas such as Machine Learning, the Internet of Things, Robotics, and Natural Language Processing, because they enable separate systems to exchange information. The quality of these domain ontologies, however, must be ensured for meaningful communication. Assessing the quality of domain ontologies for their suitability to potential applications remains difficult, even though a variety of frameworks and metrics have been developed for doing so. This article reviews domain ontology assessment efforts to highlight the work that has been carried out and to clarify the important issues that remain. These assessment efforts are classified into five distinct evaluation approaches and the state of the art of each described. Challenges associated with domain ontology assessment are outlined and recommendations are made for future research and applications.

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Supplementary references


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ACM Computing Surveys  Volume 52, Issue 4
July 2020
769 pages
  • Editor:
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Published: 11 September 2019
Accepted: 01 April 2019
Revised: 01 April 2019
Received: 01 May 2018
Published in CSUR Volume 52, Issue 4


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  1. Ontology
  2. applied ontology
  3. assessment
  4. domain ontology
  5. evaluation
  6. metrics
  7. ontology application
  8. ontology development
  9. task-ontology fit


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  • Georgia State University
  • College of Computing
  • Georgia Institute of Technology
  • J. Mack Robinson College of Business


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  • (2024)DarkOnto: An Ontology Construction Approach for Dark Web Community Discussions Through Topic Modeling and Ontology LearningHuman Behavior and Emerging Technologies10.1155/2024/79140282024:1Online publication date: 19-Sep-2024
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