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Software combining to mitigate multithreaded MPI contention

Published: 26 June 2019 Publication History


Efforts to mitigate lock contention from concurrent threaded accesses to MPI have reduced contention through fine-grained locking, avoided locking altogether by offloading communication to dedicated threads, or alleviated negative side effects from contention by using better lock management protocols. The blocking nature of lock-based methods, however, wastes the asynchrony benefits of nonblocking MPI operations, and the offloading model sacrifices CPU resources and incurs unnecessary software offloading overheads under low contention.
We propose new thread safety models, CSync and LockQ, based on software combining, a form of software offloading without the requirement for dedicated threads; a thread holding the lock combines work of threads that failed their lock acquisitions. We demonstrate that CSync, a direct application of software combining, improves scalability but suffers from lack of asynchrony and incurs unnecessary offloading. LockQ alleviates these shortcomings by leveraging MPI semantics to relax synchronization and reduce offloading requirements. We present the implementation, analysis, and evaluation of these models on a modern network fabric and show that LockQ outperforms most existing thread safety models in low- and high-contention regimes.


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ICS '19: Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Supercomputing
June 2019
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Published: 26 June 2019


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