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Exploratory Study on Estimating the Cost of an Open Source Platform for an Astronomy Center
A huge interest in astronomy has caused many astronomers and developers to collaborate to create software programs in this field. Open source software (OSS) is playing a vital and positive role in space activities and can make a substantial difference ...
Inter Blockchain Communication: A Survey
Blockchain technology is growing massively where the number of blockchain platforms and decentralized applications are increasing rapidly in the last years. However, most of the existing blockchain networks are operating in a standalone environment ...
Passage challenges from data-intensive system to knowledge-intensive system related to process mining field
Process mining has emerged as a research field that focuses on the analysis of processes using event data. Process mining is a current topic that reveals several challenges, the most important of which have defined in the Process Mining Manifesto [1]. ...
Firmware Update Attacks and Security for IoT Devices: Survey
The increasing vulnerabilities found in Internet of Things (IoT) devices have raised the need for a solid mechanism of securing the firmware update of these connected objects, since firmware updates are one way to patch vulnerabilities and add security ...
Towards a new generation of farming system: web services based online sales
Agriculture is one of the pillars of the developing world's economy, which is the main source of livelihood for the majority of people in rural areas. However, information technology is not widely used for this sector. As a result, e-Government ...
Towards a Three Layer Architecture for Dynamic Spectrum Access in Cognitive Radio Networks
Cognitive Radio (CR) is considered as one of the most promising technologies for future wireless communications. To make CR systems practical, CR networks must be able to coexist; this may cause interference to other users. To deal with this problem, ...
A new local algorithm for overlapping community detection based on clustering coefficient and common neighbor similarity
Identification of communities represents one of the most important fields in social network analysis. In this paper, we propose a new local algorithm mainly focused on finding the initial communities then expanding them by using a new weighted belonging ...
Introducing an Artifact-driven language for Service Composition
The most recent service composition approaches rely on the mechanism, which involves scalable and decentralized execution of services. Although some formal tools have been used to this effect, they are influenced by the standard of web service ...
DSS success: The intertwining of satisfaction and learning
Satisfaction has long been used as a measure of decision support systems (DSS) success. Recent studies are suggesting some other effects of DSS on users such as learning. Decision makers learning has been described as an important metric of the decision ...
Moroccan Patient-centered Hospital Information System: Global Architecture
In Morocco, most Hospital Information System projects undertaken by the Moroccan health sector are technical-oriented and executed as independent projects, with a focus on the management of administrative and financial activities above patient needs and ...
Behavio2Auth: Sensor-based Behavior Biometric Authentication for Smartphones
Many mobile applications use mobile built-in sensors to provide users with a plethora of services to collect and store a mass of sensitive data. These mobile devices need to be protected from unauthorized access and allow access for legitimate users ...
Investigating algorithmic variations of an RS Graph-based collaborative filtering approach
A personalized recommendation system learns users specific profiles from users feedback and content in order to deliver information tailored to each individual user's interest. Although great effort has been devoted to the proposal, implementation and ...
Long-Term Digital Preservation: A Preliminary Study on Software and Format Obsolescence
Long-term digital preservation aims to ensure the accessibility, authenticity, intelligibility, and integrity of digital objects for long periods that may be unlimited. It is a big challenge for institutions seeking to preserve their sensitive, ...
TONE: A Method for Terminological Ontology Evaluation
Selecting the most appropriate candidate domain ontology is necessary to ensure that the ontology covers the domain of interest at a reasonable level of detail. Existing approaches have the following drawbacks:
(1) Focused on the ontology coverage of ...
Open Government Data: Towards a comparison of Data Lifecycle models
Government, through Open Government Data "OGD, becomes one of the important producers of open data. OGD is an opportunity to create valuable services and innovative products useful for citizens as a primarily targeted consumer. However, the expected ...
User Centric Community Structure for Intelligent Transport Network applications
The urban traffic system is one of the most critical infrastructures. It can be abstracted into a complex network composed of strongly connected groups. Understanding the composition of such networks requires a decomposition of the network into modules, ...
Building a Process Meta Model Extended for Cycles
Process modeling is an important and delicate step, and it is among reasons that cause failure in the implementation or the improvement of any type of system. Indeed, process modeling is based on the inter-relationship between the processes that make up ...
A personalized e-Gov framework to bridge silos between Moroccan administrations
E-Government plays a crucial role in modernizing public sectors and developing social and economic life of citizens. To raise these challenges, our country has adopted since 2009 the e-Moroccan strategy that aims to facilitate the access and the use of ...
Query Expansion Using DBpedia and WordNet
This paper presents a semantic approach based on DBpedia and WordNet to extract the candidate terms for query expansion. We divided DBpedia features into: general features and specific features that are available depending on the domain of the resource. ...
Deep Learning for Sentiment Analysis of Arabic Text
Deep learning has been very successful in the past decades, especially in Computer Vision and Speech Recognition fields. It has been also used successfully in the Natural Language Processing field because of the availability of an enormous amount of ...
Index Terms
- Proceedings of the ArabWIC 6th Annual International Conference Research Track
Acceptance Rates
Year | Submitted | Accepted | Rate |
ArabWIC 2019 | 36 | 20 | 56% |
Overall | 36 | 20 | 56% |