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A personalized e-Gov framework to bridge silos between Moroccan administrations

Published: 07 March 2019 Publication History


E-Government plays a crucial role in modernizing public sectors and developing social and economic life of citizens. To raise these challenges, our country has adopted since 2009 the e-Moroccan strategy that aims to facilitate the access and the use of administration services. One of the main issues of this strategy is to ensure interoperability between all administrations and to provide services that are tailored to each citizen profile. To support the e-Morocco solution, we draw in this article a framework for the implementation of a personalized e-government. Our solution is based on three components: an interoperability platform called WASSIT which is a mediation system that provides data integration and dynamic composition of e-services, a personalization platform called 2P-Med that customizes services to each user profile, and finally a single sign portal that offers a transparent and secure access to all administration services. In addition to this framework, we highlight a set of measures and best practices that should insure the success of our proposal in the Moroccan context


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Index Terms

  1. A personalized e-Gov framework to bridge silos between Moroccan administrations



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    ArabWIC 2019: Proceedings of the ArabWIC 6th Annual International Conference Research Track
    March 2019
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    Published: 07 March 2019


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    1. e-government
    2. mediation systems
    3. personalization
    4. source selection
    5. user profile


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