Cited By
View all- Huang KQu XChen SChen ZZhang WQi HZhao F(2020)Superb Monocular Depth Estimation Based on Transfer Learning and Surface Normal GuidanceSensors10.3390/s2017485620:17(4856)Online publication date: 27-Aug-2020
Consumer depth sensors such as time-of-flight camera or Kinect have gained significant popularity in recently. However, the captured depth maps suffer from limited spatial resolution and a variety of noise, making such depth maps difficult to be ...
The fast development of time-of-flight (ToF) cameras in recent years enables capture of high frame-rate 3D depth maps of moving objects. However, the resolution of depth map captured by ToF is rather limited, and thus it cannot be directly used to build ...
Although Time-of-Flight (ToF) camera can provide real-time depth information from a real scene, the resolution of depth map captured by ToF camera is rather limited compared to HD color cameras, and thus it cannot be directly used in 3D reconstruction. ...
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