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Costing Secure Software Development: A Systematic Mapping Study

Published: 26 August 2019 Publication History


Building more secure software is a recent concern for software engineers due to increasing incidences of data breaches and other types of cyber attacks. However, software security, through the introduction of specialized practices in the software development life cycle, leads to an increase in the development cost. Although there are many studies on software cost models, few address the additional costs required to build secure software. We conducted a systematic review in the form of a mapping study to classify and analyze the literature related to the impact of security in software development costs. Our search strategy strove to achieve high completeness by the identification of a quasi-gold-standard set of papers, which we then used to establish a search string and retrieve papers from research databases automatically. The application of inclusion/exclusion criteria resulted in a final set of 54 papers, which were categorized according to the approach to software security cost analysis. Perform Security Review, Apply Threat Modeling, and Perform Security Testing were the three most frequent activities related to cost, and Common Criteria was the most applied standard. We also identified ten approaches to estimating software security costs for development projects; however, their validation remains a challenge, which could be addressed in future studies.


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