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Automated Cyber Threat Sensing and Responding: Integrating Threat Intelligence into Security-Policy-Controlled Systems

Published: 26 August 2019 Publication History


Cyber security management requires fast and cost efficient responses to threat alerts. Automation of cyber threat sensing and responding is one way to achieve immediate reactions to imminent threats. There are already tools for an extensive automation of threat sensing, e.g. threat intelligence sharing platforms. Methods, techniques and tools for reacting to menacing states and events, e.g. security-policy-controlled systems, have also been explored and published for some time. What is still missing, however, is the integration of these two approaches. This paper describes first steps towards an integration of threat intelligence sharing platforms and security-policy-controlled systems. We present a conceptual design for threat reaction strategies, security architectures and mechanisms and information representation requirements. We use two exemplary threat scenarios to demonstrate our proposals.


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        ARES '19: Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security
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        1. Conceptual Integration Design
        2. Cyber Threat Sensing and Responding
        3. Security Automation
        4. Security Policies
        5. Threat Intelligence Sharing Platforms


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