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IWSiB 2019: Proceedings of the 2nd ACM SIGSOFT International Workshop on Software-Intensive Business: Start-ups, Platforms, and Ecosystems
ACM2019 Proceeding
  • Association for Computing Machinery
  • New York
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  • United States
ESEC/FSE '19: 27th ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering Tallinn Estonia 26 August 2019
26 August 2019
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iIoT ecosystem development through boundary resources: a Siemens MindSphere case study

Emerging Industrial Internet of Things (iIoT) platforms generate cross-company added value, providing functionalities and technologies for a variety of digital services in the industrial engineering. iIoT platforms integrate various stakeholders, such ...

Do we know how to price SaaS: a multi-vocal literature review

Cloud computing and the service-oriented business model are transforming the way software is developed, delivered, and used. Servicization of digital products creates new challenges for software companies to be able to reap the benefits of this change. ...

QUESt: new practices to represent hypotheses in experiment-driven software development

Recent studies have proposed the use of experiments to guide software development in order to build features that users really want. In this context, product assumptions should be taken as hypotheses to be tested through experiments. User stories (US) ...

DEEP: the product roadmap maturity model: a method for assessing the product roadmapping capabilities of organizations

Through increasing market dynamics, rapidly evolving technologies and shifting user expectations coupled with the adoption of lean and agile practices, companies are struggling with their ability to provide reliable product roadmaps by applying ...

Software startup education: gamifying growth hacking

Startups seek to create highly scalable business models. For startups, growth is thus vital. Growth hacking is a marketing strategy advocated by various startup practitioner experts. It focuses on using low cost practices while utilizing existing ...

Touched by the Hackathon: a study on the connection between Hackathon participants and start-up founders

Time-bounded events such as hackathons, code fests and others have become a global phenomenon. Entrepreneurial hackathons in particular have gained wide spread popularity because they come with the prospect to being the grounds where the next billion ...

The effects of AI-human-interaction to value creation in multi-actor systems: how AI shapes digital B2B sales

Artificial intelligence (AI) has been recognized to be the most disruptive technology in the next ten years. The disruptive potential of AI is based on enhanced data processing capabilities which enable broader task automation but also allows AI to ...

Productization levels towards whole product in SaaS business

The software business is moving from product business to Soft-ware-as-a-Service (SaaS). In addition to business changes, this also changes how productization should be done. This paper explores the required levels of productization in different phases ...

Hub companies shaping the future: the ethicality and corporate social responsibility of platform economy giants

Hub companies (e.g. Amazon, Facebook, Apple, Twitter and Google) rule the internet. They are de facto monopolies in their area of operations. They shape the future in which we live. And, it seems there is nothing we can do about that, as traditional ...

Value-based technical debt management: an exploratory case study in start-ups and scale-ups

Software start-ups face fierce competition in the market forcing them to release their products quickly and often under tough time constraints. To meet their deadlines, start-ups take shortcuts in software development leading to the accumulation of ...

  • LUT University
  • Johannes Kepler University Linz
  • LUT University
  • Utrecht University
