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aDMSCN: A Novel Perspective for User Intent Prediction in Customer Service Bots

Published: 19 October 2020 Publication History


As one of the core components of customer service bot, User Intent Prediction (UIP) aims at predicting users? intents (usually represented as predefined user questions) before they ask, and has been widely applied in real applications. However, when developing a machine learning system for this problem, two critical issues, i.e., the problem of feature drift and class imbalance, may emerge and seriously deprave the system performance. Moreover, various scenarios may arise due to business demands, making the aforementioned problems much more severe. To address these two problems, we propose an attention-based Deep Multi-instance Sequential Cross Network (aDMSCN) to deal with the UIP task. On the one hand,the UIP task can be subtly formalized as multi-instance learning(MIL) task with an attention-based method proposed to alleviate the influences of feature drift. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first attempt to model the problem from a MIL perspective.On the other hand, a ratio-sensitive loss is also developed in our model, which can mitigate the negative impact of class imbalance. Extensive experiments on both offline real-world datasets and on-line A/B testing show that our proposed framework significantly out performs other state-of-art methods for the UIP task.

Supplementary Material

MP4 File (3340531.3412683.mp4)
An introduction to a novel perspective when dealing with user intent prediction for practical online service bots.


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