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Smile to Me: Investigating Emotions and their Representation in Text-based Messaging in the Wild

Published: 08 September 2019 Publication History


Emotions are part of human communication shaping mimics and revealing feelings. Therefore, conveying emotions has been integrated in text-based messaging applications using emojis. While visualizing emotions in text messages has been investigated in prior work, we studied the effects of emotion sharing by augmenting the WhatsApp Web user interface. For this, we designed and developed four different visualizations to represent emotions detected through facial expression recognition of chat partners using a web cam. Investigating emotion representation and its effects, we conducted a four weeks longitudinal study with 28 participants being inquired via 48 semi-structured interviews and 64 questionnaires. Our findings revealed that users want to maintain control over their emotions, particularly regarding sharing, and their preference to view positive emotions avoiding unpleasant social situations. Based on that, we phrased four design recommendations stimulating novel approaches for augmenting chats.


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  • (2022)The Influence of Interaction Design on Relation Making: A Scoping ReviewHuman-Computer Interaction. User Experience and Behavior10.1007/978-3-031-05412-9_30(430-446)Online publication date: 26-Jun-2022



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Published: 08 September 2019


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  1. Affective computing
  2. emotion recognition
  3. text messaging


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MuC'19: Mensch-und-Computer
September 8 - 11, 2019
Hamburg, Germany


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  • (2023)“Hey, can we talk?”: Exploring How Revealing Implicit Emotional Responses Tangibly Could Foster Empathy During Mobile TextingProceedings of the Seventeenth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction10.1145/3569009.3573124(1-7)Online publication date: 26-Feb-2023
  • (2022)The Influence of Interaction Design on Relation Making: A Scoping ReviewHuman-Computer Interaction. User Experience and Behavior10.1007/978-3-031-05412-9_30(430-446)Online publication date: 26-Jun-2022

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